Commodity or Human?

I listened to the beginning of Brené Brown's podcast, Unlocking Us, with Jake Wesley Rogers yesterday, and Jake said something that hit me in my gut.

'I think I got sort of a pass in high school because I was the one that did music, because I think people... are okay with you being different as long as you're entertaining or as long as you are giving them something'

That's just it isn't it? 

When we're thoroughly useful, we can pass.

“I think I got sort of a pass in high school because I was the one that did music, because I think people... are okay with you being different as long as you're entertaining or as long as you are giving them something”
Jake Wesley Rogers

How many of us (my hand shoots in the air) feel that we can justify our place in this world by being helpful? Useful?

How many of us are taught that by entertaining people, by educating, by giving, that we are then acceptable?

I know as a woman that this is everything that I have learned.

I haven't unpacked this statement in my mind enough to properly link it to violence against bodies that aren't considered "status quo", but I know in my heart it's there.

I am gearing up to record 8 podcast recordings, and create the bespoke music for each one, over the next three weeks. Season 2 is almost upon us. And you can be sure that I will be talking about the above.

Do you commodify yourself in order to find Belonging?

All the best


photo of Jake Wesley Rogers, from Brene Brown's site

Jake Wesley Rogers, from Brené Brown's site


Review: This Little Rose


'I don't want to undervalue you or your work, but...'